CurEx helps global travelers easily find up-to-date currency exchange rates and locations.
Finding trusted currency exchange rates and reliable options while traveling to multiple countries is frustrating.
I conducted secondary qualitative and quantitative research on user needs for currency exchange while traveling. I also conducted a competitive audit to understand unaddressed gaps in the products currently on the market.
Users wanted robust and convenient options for in-person exchange of cash currency.
Travelers want confidence in securing competitive exchange rates.
Worried travelers want to use trusted currency exchange providers.
Travelers of all age should be able to use this product, with additional benefits easily accessible.
Based on research, I created two personas and accompanying user journey maps. The user journey map helped me put myself in the perspective of the user persona and identity the emotions of using the product. This helped inform my product design.
With user research conducted and personas established, I created the following problem statement to workshop:
Chakrii is an older cash-based traveler who needs a secure and intuitive mobile app that will help him confidently manage his money and currency exchanges while traveling because he wants to worry less about his money and focus more on spending quality time with his adult children who live abroad.
Sketching various wireframes on paper helped me experiment with the placement of various elements and inform the overall design of the interface.
I incorporated elements from the paper wireframe to inform the homepage design, including a direct link to currency exchange.
I conducted an unmoderated usability study to identify design changes that can help users complete their task of successfully finding a local currency exchange option that they like.
Round 1 findings
It was unclear how to confirm or change user search input.
There was no way to search for a specific location or provider.
More detailed wayfinding information is helpful for unfamiliar locations.
Round 2 findings
Adding GPS option for nearby location search is helpful for travel
Applied filters were unclear when viewing list of results
More detailed information about location services is needed
Having easy-to-use tools can transform the ease of use for the app—particularly when traveling.
Throughout this process, I learned that incorporating feedback from usability studies throughout the process is very helpful in creating a more robust product for more users.
To continue this project, I would:
EngageNow: an app that makes it easier community members to participate in their government engagement opportunities.